Published on January 17, 2006 By wscotchm In WindowBlinds
First off let me say that this is a legitimate copy of Window Blinds... a purchased copy.

I run Window Blinds and ObjectDocPlus on my laptop and I love it... but I have a problem that I was hoping someone could help me with.

While working on the laptop, I will have 10 or more apps open regularly. For example... Opera, Windows Explorer, WinAmp, Outlook Express, Skype, MSN, Word, PSPad, TOAD, Visio, PhotoShop. After a few hours I start to see problems when switching between applications. The redraw of the screen doesn't complete. I get parts of the previous window on the current one. Quite often my mouse cursor will disappear! Locking the computer and then unlocking it sometimes refreshes things. If this doesn't work, I can sometimes manage to minimize the windows and the problem stops and I get my cursor back (this is difficult to do as you can imagine). The other option is to reboot of course and it clears up the problem for a while.

I suspect that this is a problem or limitation of the amount of memory available on my graphics card. Any suggestions to fix this (other than the obvious of "don't open so many windows")

I am running the latest builds of ObjectDock and Window Blinds that are available. My computer specs are:

Dell Inspiron 6000
WinXP Pro SP2
128 Mb Mobile Intel 915GM/GMS, 910 GML Express Chipset Family

Running desktop at 1280 x 800 at 32 bit color.

Thanks for any help!

on Jan 17, 2006

Which build of WB are you using?

There was a small resource leak which happened with per pixel skins when you moved your mouse over the titlebar buttons, but this has been resolved in the latest build on OD.

on Jan 17, 2006
WB 5.00[b].010